我越研究科學,越信有上帝。──愛因斯坦(The Wall Street Journal, Dec 24, 1997, article by Jim Holt, “Science Resurrects God.”)
科學的發現也是宗教的發現。科學和宗教沒有矛盾。我們對世界的每一個發現,都增加我們對上帝的認識。—Joseph H. Tayor, Jr.(1993年諾貝爾物理學獎得主)
(“By all accounts, these two young men—whom I have had the great privilege of being in personal contact with over the last number of months—have not only accepted the mercy and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, but have also rehabilitated themselves to be upstanding members of the prison system.
“Even in jail they have made a positive contribution to the lives of other prisoners, and sought to pay their debt to society. I have had the pleasure of speaking with Andrew Chan almost everyday and his faith and strength under extreme duress, have inspired me.”)(註4)
2012年,具有皇室血統的公主,曾在新加坡牧會5年的菲揚緹•赫理維拉(Febyanti Herewila,a princess in Jogykarta),以牧師身分探訪關押陳志輝的科洛布坎(Kerobokan)監獄,兩人因而相識、交往。
那時,巴赫幾乎每天在教會服事、練琴、作曲,沐浴在上帝的恩典中。他受到馬丁·路德的神學觀和音樂觀的深刻影響,他說:“音樂的惟一目標,就是為了神的榮耀,為了更新和重建人類的心靈。”他的音樂作品不但精深博大,更是浩瀚無比。他殷勤侍奉上帝,就像上帝總是在他的雙肩上指揮著他。當他為了每週的禮拜作曲時,總會在首頁寫上兩個拉丁文大寫簡字“J.J.”,即“Jesu Juva”,意思是“耶穌,幫助我”,而在完成了的手稿末頁,再寫上三個拉丁文大寫簡字“S.D.G.”即“Soli Deo Gloria”,意思是“只為上帝的榮耀”。他非常肯定上帝總是與他同在,也引導他的事工。